Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section is a ransomware that uses the name of a section from US Department of Justice to make computer users scare and make money out of them. A Trojan or another virus or some free software could be responsible for bringing Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section inside. It attaches itself to various processes and then disables several primary system processes which results in various issues. However, the main thing that it does is that it displays a message bearing the emblem of the department and it states that this PC has been used to do illegal stuffs and hence it has been locked.
Further the message states that one must pay a fine of 100 dollars through Paysafecard service to unlock the machine. If the user concerned is unable to make the fine, he/she would be incarcerated for the same. Do not fear of this rogue and fake thing, the US department of Justice has nothing to do with this virus. Hence, if you want to unlock your PC and make it free, automatic Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section removal tool can help.